How Lasers Treat Gum Disease

encinitas gum diseaseWhen you have periodontal disease, you could experience uncomfortable symptoms and without care, you could risk the stability of your smile. Our team can offer care to protect your smile and maintain optimal oral health. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about how we treat periodontal disease with dental lasers, and the benefits of your comfort and overall oral health.


Treating Gum Disease With Comfort Using Waterlase

san diego waterlasePeriodontal disease could mean sore, red gums, bleeding, and for some, an increased risk of adult tooth loss. For a comfortable treatment option that requires little to no anesthesia, we could employ laser dentistry. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about improving gum health with REPAIR with Waterlase, which offers treatment with precision and accuracy.
