Periodontal Health and Laser Treatment

The development and advancement of periodontal disease occur in different stages. In each stage, the level of damage the disease causes to healthy oral and periodontal tissues varies, but can often have significant consequences. The point of personalized periodontal treatment is to address the unique level of damage the disease may have caused to your periodontal and oral structures.

In addition to eradicating harmful bacteria colonies underneath the gums, this may also include periodontal surgery. The use of advanced laser technology helps us perform various levels of periodontal treatment and maintenance with optimal comfort and precision. The right specially calibrated laser offers more precise surgical results with minimal bleeding, and more comfortable treatment and healing processes.

Ask Dr. Kania About Laser Treatment

Managing your periodontal health can be a more comfortable and precise process with the help of our advanced laser technologies. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kania by calling her periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.