Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts smiles and without treatment, could lead to adult tooth loss. Which is why we want you to know about the common symptoms and risks posed by the disease. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about periodontal disease.
The Causes of Gum Disease
What causes the disease? When the gums become inflamed, this inflammation, also known as gingivitis, could lead to discomfort and eventually cause the tissues to pull away from the teeth and form pockets along the gum line. Gum disease then forms as disease-causing bacteria then enters these pockets. While inflammation can be reversed, the disease cannot, and care is then necessary to manage it. The factors behind inflammation often include plaque buildup brought on by a diet high in sugar and poor brushing and flossing habits. Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products could be a factor, as could a family history of the disease and infrequent visits for professional cleanings.
The Warning Signs of Gum Troubles
What warning signs should you be aware of? Common warning signs of periodontal disease include sore, red gums that bleed easily, or recession that makes teeth appear longer than usual. There could also be swelling due to serious inflammation. When you encounter one or more of these possible symptoms you should reach out to our team for a diagnosis right away!
The Risks of Tooth Loss
Without treatment, the disease will grow in severity until it reaches a stage known as periodontitis. At this point, the tissues connecting your teeth and gums become severed, which causes adult tooth loss. In fact, this is the number one cause of adult tooth loss! Don’t risk the loss of your teeth, talk to our team about possible treatment options.
Starting Treatment
For the early stages, we could offer a deep cleaning to remove buildup from the teeth and roots. For the more advanced stages, we could offer laser dentistry to trim away diseased tissues and reshape the gum line. Afterward, we can use holistic treatments to manage the issue and keep your smile safe, such as Ozone Therapy, Supportive Periodontal Maintenance, or even special antimicrobial medications. If you have any questions about how to manage periodontal disease, or about starting treatment to keep your smile whole, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to helping you smile with confidence and enjoy a full smile for years to come!
Talk To Our Team About Laser Dental Treatments
We want to help you enjoy good oral health, and that involves treating and managing issues like periodontal disease. To schedule your appointment with our team, call Dr. Kania in Encinitas, CA, today at 760-642-0711.