Month: September 2024

How Lasers Aid Jawbone Grafting

encinitas jawbone grafting

When you have advanced periodontal disease, this can cause discomfort, tooth loss, and even weaken underlying jawbone structure. These factors could then limit the ability to receive dental implants. But with laser-assisted jawbone grafting, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about rebuilding your smile to make dental implant placement possible!

Learning About Treating Periodontal Disease

encinitas periodontal disease

When you have gum disease, this could initially cause minor discomfort but lack of treatment could mean worsening pain and even tooth loss. Which is why when you experience potential symptoms, we want to see you! In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about treating periodontal disease with laser dentistry.