Strengthening Smiles With Laser-Assisted Grafting

Encinitas jawbone graftingLosing natural teeth to periodontal disease could lead to weakened jawbone structure, complicating the ability to receive dental implants. But with the assistance of advanced dental lasers, our team can conduct grafting or sinus lift to strengthen the smile. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about jawbone grafting and laser technology.

Gum Disease, Tooth Loss, and Weakened Smiles

When you have the advanced stage of periodontal disease, known as periodontitis, this could sever the tissues connecting your teeth and gums. As a result, you begin to lose natural teeth. When you lose teeth, this causes the body to stop sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the bone structure around the missing root. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue erodes to cause a loss of mass and density in the jaw. This means further tooth loss. You also may not have enough structure in your smile to support dental implants, limiting your tooth replacement options. But we can help with laser-assisted grafting procedures!

Grafting and Sinus Lift

With the ridge augmentation procedure, our team will add new structure to the lower jaw, strengthening it so it can support dental implants. We could take bone from other parts of your own body, such as the rear of the jaw, the hip, or the knee bone. Our team could also use donor or synthetic sources. For the upper jaw, we could raise the sinus floor to uncover new structures that can support the placement of one or more dental implants. When these procedures are done and the area properly heals, we can insert the dental implants, which helps stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to keep your smile intact and allow your new teeth to last for years to come.

The Use of Laser Technology

Our team can use the dental lasers to help destroy pockets of harmful disease-causing bacteria, so we can manage periodontal disease and prevent dental implant failure. We can also use the technology to modify the underlying bone and gum structures, preparing the smile for the grafting or sinus lift procedures. This technology can target areas with precision and limit the risk of infection, swelling, or bleeding afterward. They prevent damage to healthy structures due to their accuracy. If you have any questions about how our team will employ them to assist with jawbone grafting and sinus lift procedures, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Our Team About Rebuilding Your Smile

Our team wants to help you enjoy a strong smile ready to receive dental implants, so you can enjoy a beautiful and full smile once again. To schedule your appointment and obtain treatment with laser technology, call Dr. Kania in Encinitas, CA, today at 760-642-0711.