Arranging Laser Jawbone Grafting Before Implant Placement

One consequence of periodontal disease is tooth loss, which can significantly affect your appearance and dental function. When this occurs, a dental implant can hold a permanent prosthetic replacement for a missing tooth. Many patients are able to move forward with plans to restore their full smile after treatment for periodontal disease occurs, but some require treatment to address the deterioration of their jawbone. This deterioration can occur because of your infection, and it also occurs gradually over time when a person is lacking a tooth, or several teeth. Our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice is prepared to help patients with this issue. Thanks to the laser tools we use in our office, we can perform a jawbone grafting procedure that is less invasive and requires less time for healing! We also use lasers to combat active periodontal infections, which can also interfere with your candidacy for prosthetic treatment.

Some Patients Require Treatment To Qualify For Dental Implant Placement

As you start to look into the benefits of receiving dental implants to hold replacement teeth, you may find that certain issues with your health affect your candidacy. If you have gone a longer period of time without having this work done, jawbone deterioration may have already taken place, leaving you without the necessary support to hold an implant. Through jawbone grafting, we can make sure that the bone is strong and dense enough for your placement, allowing you to move forward with plans to fully restore your smile!

How Do Lasers Fit Into Grafting Treatment?

For jawbone and gum grafting procedures, we rely on laser technology. Lasers let your periodontist operate with more precision than is possible with manual tools. In addition to making smaller cuts, they can limit bleeding and remove the need for suturing. By using lasers to carefully access your jawbone, we can make the treatment itself feel less invasive, and we can make your recovery easier.

We Provide Important Periodontal Care In A Safe Environment

Even as concerns around coronavirus continue to affect businesses and services, our practice has maintained an environment for patients needing periodontal care. We have made changes to our office’s operations to provide better protection. These adjustments to our scheduling, to our waiting area, and to our practices make it possible for us to continue seeing patients and providing services that combat the serious effects of periodontal disease.

Talk To Your Encinitas/San Diego, CA Periodontist About Laser Jawbone Grafting

Through the use of laser technology, we can perform jawbone grafting procedures for patients that are less invasive and require shorter healing periods. If you have questions about this service, or if there is any other laser periodontal treatment that you wish to discuss, you can call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.

Dr. Kania

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