You might not realize just how serious problems with gum disease can become if it is not addressed in time. Periodontal disease is difficult to control, and it can do serious damage to the tissues that support your teeth. The potential movement of bacteria beneath your gums can also cause you to suffer problems with your overall well-being. Effectively managing this condition can call for more involved work to clear away infected tissues as well as bacteria. While other practices rely on manual tools to perform this work, we use lasers to perform more precise cuts and make recovery easier.
We have multiple laser tools that we can use to effectively clear away tissues that are in poor health, as well as the bacteria responsible for your infection. The procedure will see your periodontist carefully address an area where an infection has affected your health. In addition to directly targeting the microbes that have gathered on the roots of your teeth, your procedure will clear away unhealthy gum tissues. After this occurs, you will grow healthy tissues as you heal.
Grafting procedures call for cuts to your periodontal tissues. In both jawbone grafting and gum grafting, we can use lasers to minimize the impact of those cuts, and also to encourage faster healing. Gum grafting procedures are often needed when people have periodontal problems as they can lead to the recession of the gum line. A jawbone grafting procedure helps individuals who need to address deterioration of the bone so that they can have a dental implant put in place.
When lasers are used in periodontal treatment, patients can enjoy easier treatments as well as shorter recovery periods! Dr. Kania has helped many patients who struggle with poor periodontal health through modern services, including services that rely on modern tools like lasers. For more information, call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
Periodontal disease can lead to discomfort and without treatment, the risk of adult tooth loss.…
Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts smiles and without treatment, could lead to…
We know how widespread and serious periodontal disease is, and that without treatment the risk…
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