Categories: Gum Grafting

Laser-Assisted Gum Graft Procedures

When you have a more advanced case of periodontal disease, this could cause the gums to begin receding, exposing roots and changing the appearance of your smile. To correct this, we use a combination of dental lasers and the Pinhole Surgical Technique. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about our laser-assisted gum graft procedure.

The Impact of Your Receding Gums

When you have periodontal disease, this could reach a more advanced stage and along the way, cause tissues to pull away from the teeth and recede. When this happens, you’re more vulnerable to periodontitis, the late stage connected to adult tooth loss. In addition, this could expose portions of the tooth roots, which increases the risk of tooth decay and dental infection too. Your smile could change as well, your teeth appearing longer and uneven. To correct the health and beauty of your smile, we could help with a conservative alternative to the traditional gum graft, one assisted with the use of dental lasers.

Preparing Your Smile with Laser Dentistry

Our team employs soft tissues dental lasers as part of our treatment for a number of reasons. The technology can target areas with precision to keep healthy gums free of damage. We don’t use scalpels and sutures, so the area heals quicker too. Overall, there is a reduced risk of swelling, bleeding, and infection, and the treatment often requires little to no anesthesia. With lasers, our team can remove the diseased portions of the tissues and modify gum and bone structure to prepare your smile for the Pinhole Surgical Technique procedure.

The Pinhole Surgical Technique

With this option, we don’t need to remove tissues from other parts of your smile as the traditional grafting process would require. Instead, our team will make a miniscule pinhole in the gums and add a special collagen material. We then manipulate the gums until they cover the exposed roots and also take time to ensure optimal symmetry in the gum line, so your smile is both healthier and attractive. We can then discuss preventive care, such as Ozone Therapy, Supportive Periodontal Maintenance, or special medications to manage the disease and protect the health and appearance of your smile.

If you have any questions about laser dentistry or the Pinhole Surgical Technique, then contact our team today to learn more. You deserve a healthy and attractive smile, and we ant to make that a reality.

Do You Have Questions About Correcting Gum Recession?

Our team wants to help your smile stay whole and beautiful, and can help with laser technology. If you would like to find out more about addressing receding portions of your smile with advanced technology and unique treatments, then please call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.


Dr. Kania

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