By relying on a dental implant to support your prosthetic tooth, you can look forward to the stability of a restoration that can remain in place without the need to modify neighboring teeth. An implant can even help support those neighboring teeth by keeping their roots in place. The restoration that is put in place will be stable enough to let you bite and chew without difficulty, and the implant will actually create stimulation that keeps the surrounding bone tissues healthy.
Not everyone is ready to receive their dental implant. A delay in treatment means more time passes where your jawbone is vulnerable to a loss in density, which can hurt your candidacy for placement. You can also require additional care for active periodontal disease before moving forward with prosthetic work.
If you need a jawbone grafting treatment as part of a plan to place a dental implant, we are prepared to offer one while using laser technology. The laser tools that we use make the process more conservative, which means less bleeding occurs and less tissue damage affects you. In addition, this work lets us provide treatment with more precision, so we preserve more of the healthy surrounding areas while encouraging a shorter recovery time. Once you complete this process and have taken the right time to heal, we can make arrangements for you to have your dental implant put in place.
Laser tools are also effective at helping patients who can benefit from gum grafts. These kinds of grafts can address the tissue recession that often takes place when you have problems with poor periodontal health. Through the Pinhole Surgical Technique, we are able to manipulate tissues into place with pin-sized holes that make care more comfortable and remove the need for suturing.
If you would like to find out more about how jawbone grafting treatment helps patients who wish to qualify for dental implant placement, call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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