If you do not act when you start to experience periodontal problems, long-term consequences can occur. Once periodontal disease develops, you will have to fight an ongoing problem with bacteria buildup, as well as the destruction of your gums. This harm can weaken the support for teeth, leading to their losses. It also makes you more likely to have other health issues, as bacteria attacking your gums are able to enter your bloodstream and cause problems in other areas of your body.
By fighting periodontal disease, we can control the infection and put a stop to damage affecting your smile and well-being. Lasers make it possible for us to carefully trim away tissues that have become infected. After their removal, your body can heal and produce healthy tissues. We can do this while minimizing any changes to healthy tissues, and we can make smaller incisions that do not require sutures! As a result, you can heal more quickly from the process and start seeing improvements sooner.
We can make jawbone grafting and gum grafting treatments feel less invasive by relying on lasers to manipulate your soft tissues. When manipulating tissues to access your jawbone, or in order to restore your gum line, lasers offer precision as well as less damage. As with laser-based periodontal treatments, using lasers during these procedures can lead to faster and easier healing!
Periodontal disease can have alarming consequences. Fortunately, modern procedures that rely on lasers can help you fight these problems, and they can do so while preserving more of your healthy tissues! Dr. Kania is ready to help you if you are struggling with periodontal disease, or if you are pursuing a jawbone or gum grafting treatment in order to restore your smile. To find out more, please call our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice at (760) 642-0711.
Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts smiles and without treatment, could lead to…
We know how widespread and serious periodontal disease is, and that without treatment the risk…
Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums which can be caused by plaque buildup.…
When your gums begin to recede due to periodontal disease, this could lead to changes…
When you suffer from tooth loss as a result of gum disease, this could weaken…
When you have periodontal disease, this could grow in severity over time and without treatment,…