When you have periodontal disease, this could cause gum recession, leading to worsening pain and the risk of tooth loss.…
When you suffer from periodontal disease, this could lead to serious trouble for your smile, as these tissues frame and…
Perio treatment can help people avoid the dangers of periodontal disease, a common issue that could eventually lead to tooth…
If you have lost jawbone structure due to untreated tooth loss, this could complicate your ability to receive dental implants.…
When you are contending with periodontal disease, having access to the right treatments can hold significant value. Poorly managed infections…
During a general dental checkup, patients should receive feedback about the condition of their gums as well as their teeth.…
When problems with gum disease start, tissue damage will affect the attachment of your gums to your teeth. As this…
If you have problems with the health of your gums that are not being properly managed, you could experience more…
Should you take an interest in the kinds of tools that are used when caring for your smile? When periodontal…
If nothing is done about an active problem with periodontal disease, the consequences can be severe. Living with this problem…