Categories: Laser Treatment

How Lasers Provide Comfortable Treatment

When you begin to notice changes to your gums, then you need treatment to avoid worsening symptoms or even adult tooth loss. With dental lasers, our team can provide gentle and noninvasive treatment. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about the benefits of dental lasers.

When to Seek Periodontal Treatment

When you experience changes to your gum tissues, this could potentially point to trouble. For example, sore, red, and bleeding gums, as well as tissues that swell or recede, could be a sign of serious inflammation or even the early stages of gum disease. As the recession worsens, you could be approaching the more advanced stage, known as periodontitis, which could lead to tooth loss with time. When you experience these changes, contact our team right away for treatment. We will conduct a detailed diagnosis to assess the cause and severity of your periodontal issues, and to recommend the most appropriate treatment option, which includes laser dentistry.

Dental Lasers

With options like LANAP or REPAIR with WaterLase, our team can use dental lasers to help treat the more advanced cases of gum disease, and even address gum recession to improve the health and beauty of your smile. Dental lasers use a concentrated beam of light calibrated for soft tissues. We can target specific areas with precision and prevent damage to healthy gums, providing greater accuracy than scalpels. There are no sutures, so the area heals quickly and often, treatment requires little to no anesthesia. We can trim away diseased tissues to allow healthy ones to attach to the gums. We can also aid in the Pinhole Surgical Technique procedure, which helps correct receding gums without traditional grafting procedures.

Managing the Disease

Once we complete the procedure and your smile heals, which usually takes between 24 and 48 hours, you can return to normal activities and we can recommend care to manage the disease. Routine cleanings or Supportive Periodontal Maintenance every three to four months can remove harmful buildup to keep the disease from reaching more advanced stages. We can also offer holistic treatments, like Ozone Therapy or antibiotics. We will discuss good homecare habits, such as proper brushing and flossing, cutting back on sugar, and avoiding tobacco products.

If you have any questions about how our team will manage and address issues like periodontal disease to keep your smile healthy and whole, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves optimal oral health, and we’re ready to help!

Schedule a Visit to Keep Your Smile Whole

We want to help you avoid the complications and risks of untreated periodontal disease! If you would like to find out more about improving the health and strength of your gums, please call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.


Dr. Kania

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