When you suffer from periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease, then you could suffer from tooth loss. This happens when the disease destroys the tissues connecting your teeth and gums. When we lose teeth, our body will respond by stopping the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jaw around these lost roots. This means the bone loses mass and density and breaks down, causing further tooth loss and an aged appearance. This weakening could also limit your ability to receive dental implants to replace your missing teeth, as there simply isn’t enough structure to support your new roots. But we can help strengthen your jaw with a ridge augmentation!
Also known as a bone grafting procedure, we use this to strengthen the weakened areas of your jaw that develop following tooth loss. Our team will apply new structure, which could be taken from your jaw, hip, or from your knee, or we will use synthetic sources. We apply this to the weakened areas, where they bond with the bone structure to provide the new tissues that can support dental implants and also preserve your youthful facial features.
To provide a ridge augmentation with precision and accuracy, our team will employ dental lasers as part of the process. With lasers specially calibrated for your smile, we can modify hard tissues, such as tooth roots and jawbone structure, which aids in the grafting process. We prepare your smile to receive these new tissues, so the area heals quicker and you enjoy a less invasive treatment. Once the area heals, our team will then plan the placement of your dental implant, choosing the best angle and position to insert these new biocompatible, titanium, roots into your jaw. They bond with the bone tissues, which again helps stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to prevent break down and an older appearance. We can offer individual tooth replacement, or use several dental implants to secure a bridge or even a full set of dentures.
If you have any questions about how we fortify your smile with a ridge augmentation, or about dental implant placement, then contact our team today to learn more.
We want to help prepare your smile to receive new teeth! If you would like to find out more about preserving your smile, please call Dr. Kania’s laser periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts smiles and without treatment, could lead to…
We know how widespread and serious periodontal disease is, and that without treatment the risk…
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When you suffer from tooth loss as a result of gum disease, this could weaken…
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