Poor brushing and flossing habits, along with a diet high in sugar and starch, could create plaque and tartar buildup that irritates and inflames the gums, creating the early stages of periodontal disease. Likewise, factors like tobacco use, inflammatory illnesses, and a family history of periodontal issues could also be factors that lead to periodontal disease. Initially, you may notice your gums look redder than usual or feel sore. Later, you could experience bleeding when you brush and floss. The gums could also recede, which makes teeth appear long. When these potential warning signs develop, we hope you will contact our team right away for an exam and diagnosis.
Periodontal disease will increase in severity with time, which means lack of treatment could allow you to reach the later stage known as periodontitis. At this stage, the connective tissues that support your teeth weaken and deteriorate, causing loose and missing teeth. In fact, this is the most common cause of tooth loss! To avoid the risk of tooth loss, we can help manage the disease with advanced treatment options, followed by preventive holistic care.
We have dental laser systems that enable us to gently and carefully trim away the diseased portions of your gums, and in the process, reshape the gum line. The procedure enables healthy tissues to adhere to the teeth and make the disease manageable moving forward with regular cleanings or other preventive treatments. The lasers provide treatment with precision that protects healthy structures, and the lack of scalpels and sutures means the area heals quickly. You may return to your normal routine in as little as 24 hours. The use of lasers also reduces the risk of bleeding, infection, and swelling, and sometimes the procedure doesn’t even require the use of anesthesia.
If you have any questions about how we use laser dentistry to help improve the health of your gums and safeguards the stability of your smile, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you maintain a full and healthy smile for years to come!
Our team wants to help you smile with confidence by avoiding disease-related tooth loss. To learn more about our laser-based solutions to schedule an appointment with our team, call Dr. Kania in Encinitas, CA, today at (760) 642-0711.
Periodontal disease can lead to discomfort and without treatment, the risk of adult tooth loss.…
Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts smiles and without treatment, could lead to…
We know how widespread and serious periodontal disease is, and that without treatment the risk…
Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums which can be caused by plaque buildup.…
When your gums begin to recede due to periodontal disease, this could lead to changes…
When you suffer from tooth loss as a result of gum disease, this could weaken…